Under 19's match Report:
Caulfield 17.15.117 Defeated Old Carey 4.6.30
Match Report:
The performance against Old Carey was essentially played by CGFC in two halves. The first half punctuated by missed scoring opportunities with ball overuse. Whilst the second half opportunities were taken and converted.
The team had 4-5 players returning from breaks and two CGS boys playing. Great to see players not selected turned up to support and help.
Being windy the ball was being played predominantly at ground level with Diggle continuing his good form ably supported by Fujiwara with CGS boys Baltas and Dorevitch playing well. At half time we had kicked 6-10 to 1-1 but the margin should have been more.
At half time Coach Josh McCahon gave straight instructions on the required game plan and it worked. We converted our opportunities and kicking with the wind in the last quarter we stormed home kicking 8 goals to 1 to win by 87 points
Darcy Levin fell heavily injuring his neck in the 2nd quarter and came off. Indications are he has escaped serious injury but will require some further testing and will be out of action for 4 weeks…all the best Darcy.
Goal Kickers: M. Ball 3, J. Lewis 3, S. Dorevitch 3, O. Sweetapple-Gagiero 2, N. Baltas 2, M. Spielvogel, T. Smith, A. Fujiwara, Z. Amos
Best Players: C. Diggle, A. Fujiwara, N. Baltas, S. Dorevitch, M. Ball, B. Slack